
Oh! Had no idea; so glad you pointed that out. Seriously, loved Alexander Cockburn. True: he slept on my couch in Minneapolis once. Brilliant and brilliantly funny man.

I would have been fine with Alexander Cockburn (RIP)...

Excited but anxious. I was a Vogue-subscriber since the age of 14 (when the issues were BIG and fabulous) and I followed model careers like it was sports and magazines were my trading cards. I was even on set during a photo shoot with Beverly Johnson – and was in heaven. Meh to Eileen Ford, but so happy to maybe see

Oh, I am....

“Correct,” yes. However, the best way (or so I’ve been told) is to eat the chocolate on the sides, “snap” the cup into two (or fold like a sandwich), and add a bit of magic mushroom in-between the two sides.

I understand your response. And I struggle with that. A cancellation is not a snow day...for anyone, including myself. My depression is isolating, made further isolating by unemployment and advancing age. Getting ready for something is very difficult. Fear of failure or “getting it wrong” or being

Partly because they don’t hire based on research experience, but rather on age (young). Unfortunately, those who’ve grown up with “google that shite” are less likely to check sources and go deeper.

I’ve made it a habit to talk to Lyft and Uber drivers about their motivations and experiences and have spoken to drivers in several cities, as well. What I’ve noticed is a strong uptick in drivers who are registered with both services. And many of these dual-systems drivers are former (sometimes current) cab drivers,

And by many on the Left, too,

And she is TOTALLY Polish Catholic in her expertly “helpful” shade. And that–done with love–jab at the daughter (“who wore a grey flannel suit...”). Nothing like some kiebassa and grillowa!

Only his faith matters....and his funds. Witness the beginnings of a mega church.

Oh my stars...your name. YOUR NAME. I love it. Especially since I imagine Leo and his Oscar as being like Justin and that poor monkey. First it was a dream, then a prize, and, finally, an afterthought. That little Oscar needs rescuing.

Huh. Funny, because I do something like this for the festival coats and jackets I do (so things can be hung from them, or they can be hung from your camelback or belt).

Did others of his staff walk with Elbaz? I ask because this collection looks so very shitty. Like poorly done, Project Runway $600 and one day for a collection shitty. Which leads me to wonder: Did Elbaz’s besties walk with him (or go elsewhere); did the remainders decide “fcuk it, let’s give them what they deserve;”

I give you much respect for taking a PhD on. Best of luck!

You might consider how single moms, older women, and lesbian families, many of whom live on considerably less, can be a stable “first wave” purchaser gentrification in low-income neighborhoods. Most often there, and without much disruption and with neighborhood integration, before the prices go nuts.

“Men don’t need abotions.” True, in the physical sense. However, women are being singled out for unparalleled scrutiny and obstruction (let alone, actual danger) for a LEGAL medical procedure. Would the ERA solve everything? No. But would it strengthen equal protections and access before the courts? Totally. Would the

Christian Bale, apparently, took Russell on for his treatment of Adams.

ебать да

Wake up, She-ples. Yep, I’m co-opting the right crazy winger phrase. Why? Because I remember the arguments I had with my relatives regarding the ERA (that’s the Equal Rights Amendment, for you fetus-faces out there). Full throw down fights about...who gets to use a fcuking bathroom.