Duh. Phish, obviously. With Robyn Hitchcock.
Duh. Phish, obviously. With Robyn Hitchcock.
I look significantly younger now that my kid has finished her education, is sucessfully employed, and living with a very nice, employed partner. It’s amazing how that works.
“One Million Thank You [sic] to each and everyone...”
This was when I was fully immersed in Salvation Army/Good Will hunting and wearing 1940s dresses with cowboy boots/Fryes and 40s jackets and boy’s blazers with my jeans. HATED the feel of 1970s poly....EWWWWW.
My ex was (is?, no longer know or care) a photographer who was known for his family snapshot work – which means 24 years of my life and image were wrapped up in his art. I sent him all the slides, etc. He has just about everything. I kept a few, put them in a large envelope labeled with my daughter’s name, and have…
Gross? Absolutely. But, to be fair, ground crews often have less than 10 minutes to ready the cabin before the next round of passengers board (first class, of course, is handled a bit differently). It’s a cattle car, people. Moove them in. Moove them out.
So these are MOB dresses, and they all have no or cap sleeves? WTF. I had my daughter when I was 31. She’s 29, now – the average age of the first-time bride. And I’m 61. And while she’s undecided about marriage in her life, I know one thing for certain and that is no freaking way am I wearing cap sleeves.
Thank you. As an olds, I have a long memory, including my first abortion in the early 70s. I’m staunchly and publicly pro-choice, but just writing “my first abortion” – on a public forum, no less – is something I never thought I would do. I really appreciate and strongly admire you and these other young women who are…
“Toppless toddler”? Meh.
I just got back from Burning Man (my eighth burn) and fcuk y’all, I have no apologies. The weather this year was brutal, 2-4 hour whiteouts almost every day (I go for 11 days) and freezing cold night temps (seeing your breath in a tent: not fun). Still, I love it and love the people I camp with. And I don’t camp with…
I have been in a rictus state of worry since 1989. So, thanks Taylor for the non-stop trigger.
BTW, I once had a call with a client that was totally about this: the lack of “suitable” (ie white) pregnant teens for a full-service teen pregnancy org (ie. the org provides a place to stay and care during the pregnancy as well as parents eager to adopt). Needless to say it was a weird hour.
“...the young woman preferred to stay with this guy and his mother rather than return home. So much so that she wanted to hide in the attic to not be found and returned there..”
I’ve watched it on youtube and so did see the season after the suicide.
I watch ANTM for insanity and fun. I watch Australia’s NTM for actual, possible models and fashion. Tyra’s ANTM is like weed gummy bears. I shouldn’t like them, BUT...
Those aren’t cornrows (necessarily). But they are braids. My Irish grandmother used to do my summer hair that way when I was a kid. DON’T MAKE ME DEFEND KENDALL. IT HURTS.
Thanks, Todd Rundgren!
I love that Hide saffron monk robe. I’m 5’1” and think I still have a pair of monster goth platforms somewhere around here...sigh.