
They should go one step further.

Ok, I'm naming my player "Shit".

"Grand Supreme" sounds like a Ghostface album.

The only "Black Widow" is Jeanette Lee.

Well, it's better then this.

1st: Guys can one pee one way and thats out of our dick holes or an colostomy bag.

WTF, do you shave with a crocodile dundee knife and open beer bottles with your teeth too?

Why is it when people start to talk about the success or the resurgences of Super Hero movies. People always fail to mention Spawn (1997) & Blade (1998).

Dear, Comcast.

Now playing

I bet you don't hate slavery much as this guy.

thanks, please pass it on.

Now playing

"He Who Lives in a Glass House Shouldn't Throw Stones at Others."

Maybe it's just me but that guy looks like michael j fox.

Nasir bin Olu Dara Jones Jr.

What, Brenda's got another baby?

It makes the "White Male" feel special because the men talk down to the women and have all of the power. Plus, they drink and smoke all day.

So, does this mean that Storm has to sit in the back of the bus or clean houses? While Blade, Bishop & Luke Cage work as bell hops and gas station attendants?

how about stick to the original idea and scrap everything after season 3.