
I saw an advance screening on the 17th and I was disappointed. Don't get me wrong, it was visually a great movie and the little girl was fantastic . But the performances from the adults could have been better. And what really bothered me were the holes in the story. And the lack of information of the characters

You pretty much said everything I wanted to say without spoiling the movie.

I would do it. Since the United Negro College Fund wants my mind to go to waste. because I don't go to one of their 38 schools in the south.

What about the kids parents that make just enough money for them not to qualify for grants or any other of financial aid. But they are clearly to poor to attend college and don't identify as LGBTQ?

It looks like Mark Watson is about to get his masters.

Ha, Nielsen Ratings.

words to live by.

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I hope this video opens people’s eyes to how the media keeps recycling these stereotypes. And how we the people should boycott these shows until they’re off the air.

"The other is that the NES design was, and I'm sorry any nostalgic Americans or Canadians reading this, terrible." Say what you want about the design. All I gotta say is, that thing was built like a tank. Mine got knock off of a 5 foot tall dresser and worked fine after that.

Film is what you record on to make a Movie.

and this goes for all people of color.

Now playing

and the saga continues 90's....00's....10's....??


"As of August 31 of 2010, the game is 60% complete." (source: [] Looks down at watch....8:23:11

thanks, grand wizard game master. i'm just trying to reaching new heights.

Actually, The Ocarina of Time has been on a total of 5 different consoles (64, GameCube, iQue Player, Virtual Console, 3DS). Also, the only reason Halo Anniversary Edition is coming out is. So you'll be able to play all of the Halo games on the 360.

Thank you. Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 are nothing but Super Mario 64 with better graphics.

Nin•ten•do Syn•drome

Try Aquaphor if you decide not to use Nivea again.

+1 on the Palmer's.