
What possible commercial use could a map of my apartment have to a company, and why do I care? The Roomba isn’t scanning my cat’s food bowl to advertise cat food to me. It’s not checking out my home theater to see if I need a new receiver. It’s not bumping into my shitty futon and asking me if I need a new couch. It’s

Roomba should take the data and make suggestions on Layout.

This just happened to us this past Sunday night. We just rescued a cat on Friday night and it was still adjusting to its new life when it wandered into a closet and shit on the floor. Our brand new Roomba (less than a month old) wandered in there and proceeded to smear the shit all over the closet. Good thing the

This doesn’t seem like something we should expect them to “admit” to. No vacuum would suck up pet shit without smearing it anywhere.

These people.