
heard her music in the late 90's, liked quite a bit of it, went to see her perform and she was fucking TERRIBLE as a live performer

fuck all the haters. I loves me some Serena (and Venus too)

so what does this have to do with serena being the AP female athlete of the year?

There's a difference between "adjusting" and "sucking."

I was on your side until you threw UGK in there....they are NOT in the same league as the others


The food. all of it. and the fact that its so different from Christmas. There is no pressure, no crowded stores, no stupid, repetitive christmas music, no annoying consumerism, no bullshit. I see my family, pig the fuck out, have a few glasses of wine, have a few laughs, share a few stories and go home with leftovers

or 100 angry pitbulls

Years ago, an ex girlfriend (who was a vegetarian) insisted that i watch The Animals Film. It shook me up so much, that i became a vegetarian for over two years, before succumbing to the smell of bacon one afternoon. At that point, it was over.

i hope there was plenty of food out, because some of those ladies need to eat a little bit.

boil?!?!!? no,no,no

my vote is for trip advisor

At the start of the season, i offered to bet a friend $1000 that derrick rose would have another major injury before the all star game. too bad he didn't say yes.

when i see his face on a movie poster, my brain IMMEDIATELY says"no"

3 things:

I don't find it creepy at all. I think its kind of incredible and beautiful

too bad Abramovic can't save Gaga from irrelevancy

"Is there anyone on the planet cooler than Yoko Ono?"

just one more reason why i will never ever go to Brazil

your like..welcome, man