
That's a nice thought but if Apple were ever to do a camera (again), they would be designing and developing their own so that they can control the hardware and software together. Seeing as how the iPhone is far and away their point-and-shoot device, that seems even unlikelier to happen.

I think this is more wishful thinking than a real possibility. Given Apple's track record on camera hardware (barely good enough to decent), I think they are comfortable with their standards. My thought is that this will (if true of a partnership anyway) have nothing to do with the iPhone hardware or camera. More

I agree with virtually all of your criticisms; you pretty much hit the nail on the head from messy widgets to glaringly inconsistent UI elements. The one that really bothers me the most, personally, is the choice of home and back icons. They look exactly like each other, it just looks like they rotated the home icon

I can definitely confirm this, at least for my experience. Tried one extensively at a Verizon store and it is quite an unwieldy and unintuitive user experience with confusing icons, misleading layout, and widget-overload. I sincerely hope iOS doesn't ever do widgets in that typical traditional way.

Why on earth would the app even need to "check in" on every single launch anyway? What was the rationale for this theory?

Oh, and I think you misunderstood me. Other tablets are *not* pricing similarly. That's the point. They're pricing *more* than Apple. iPad 16GB wifi is the lowest cost right now. Not to mention that the iPhone 3GS is $49 on contract.

This seems to have taken a turn into Apple bashing. You do know that other smartphones of similar branding and quality cost just about the same as the iPhone? And again, I actually have looked into it and the iPad is the cheapest modern touchscreen tablet available right now.

Exactly. His exact quote is:

Actually, the old site also mixed stories that have images (of varying sizes from super large to medium to small) with stories that were only a single sentence text link. The difference now is that we have this in that tiny width of a sidebar you mention, along with the actual content of a post in the left column so

No, because the 6 months to live thing was not only a completely unreliable piece of information but also really invasive to a human being's personal affairs. This falls into both categories as well, with this one being worse for Gizmodo because they actually hired someone to do this stunt themselves. Shameless but

Actually, yea kinda. The lowest common denominator is where the marketshare is. You kind of have to assume everyone is stupid or else your product is going to be too complex.

You actually clicked on and watched a video through prime streaming and had it streaming yesterday with your student prime account? Are you sure it wasn't something else? This was always the policy since it started.

This article says you have to pay $79 to access the streaming if you have a student membership

KLanD said nothing about Apple upgrading RAM, only that the max RAM possible is still 8gb

But how do you know this will happen (pushing artistry forward, etc)? The only thing the record companies see is a way to market (ie. make money from) something that the average person will not hear a perceivable gain from, at least that's what the argument is. Do you think that the average person will hear a

I'm not exactly sure what problem you have with the original article, sounds like you are only adding to his point. What is it that is muddled or muddled his words?

Definitely don't agree with cyruss — iPad is the lowest-priced high-quality tablet out now. And the iPad 2 is mere days away from being announced. Android ones are ok but priced high for something of similar quality and not many are based on the tablet-optimized version of Android. Wait til March 2nd and compare.

Because it's his choice, and that should be the end of it.

Where else would a trackpad be if not "right in the middle"? I've used something like this before and it was terrible. Yes, it was a large enough area and I think it even had some texture but without a border of some sort and more obvious contrasting texture, your finger is relegated to missing the target area often.

BetterTouchTool also provides window snap function