
I watched with subtitles, interesting how the group spelled Calvary with a K - Seventh Kalvary.

I think she is a fine actress, not outstanding but perfectly good. The internet community just seems to periodically decide that certain actors or (more frequently) actresses are unable to act, despite the fact that the average mouthbreather making comments couldn’t act their way out of a paper bag.

I’m just going to be a pedant here and point out that Downton Abbey takes place during the Edwardian period. The Victorian era ended in 1901 and Downton starts in 1912.

Vampire Weekend’s discography is the official soundtrack of gentrification  

Geez, do you people ever watch movies to be entertained?  You can debate the merits of summer blockbusters, popcorn movies, and superhero fatigue all you want, but for movies like Black Panther and Infinity War (and maybe MI: Fallout) to not even get a sniff is just flat-out elitism.

I think Sorry to Bother You deserves to be on the list if only for its political commentary and probably my favorite plot twist of the year.

Perhaps he was only standing because it was too uncomfortable to sit.

It sounds like you're feeling fat and sassy.

“They don’t do colleges because their fees are too high for colleges to afford.”

Back when I wasn’t gray around here I several times commented that he was the NBA’s organizational IQ test: if you can’t get productive basketball out of Boris Diaw, you probably don’t have a smart organization (does not apply to the end of the line Jazz stint).

au revoir, magnifique bâtard!

You know you’re an asshole when your rhetoric boils down to “he is a god, and you are nothing”. You can believe in the first part. You can make arguments in favor of that. But putting down your opponent is just shitty, especially in that lazy internet troll way when you can just say the words “you are nothing” without

Yeah Elon is a dumb stoner who doesn’t care about anyone but himself and is an a@@hole.

“No. He’s MY gun. I’ll do it.”

Ryerson may suck at boxing out and rebounding, but they sure as heckfire remember you!

Tragic. One wonders if this situation could’ve been avoided if Uber cars were more readily identifiable, perhaps all painted and designed in a specific uniform pattern, their drivers also unionized and licensed specifically to insure a certain degree of safety to both the passenger and driver alike. These driver’s

he fixes the cable

We. Need. That. In. The. Form. Of. A. Question. For. The. Love. Of. God.

Which most other decent laptop companies have... and theirs looks nicer.

It is clever, problem is that if you like it you really like but if you don’t it’s the worst thing ever. It’ll last two seasons, considered a cult favourite by those who liked it, kinda IFC’s thing at this point.