
Ha! Funny thing is, she does. Mariah grew up in an unstable home, worked as a waitress as a young adult while apartment-sharing with four people, and recorded her first demo in a friend’s father’s store basement. She was forever getting fired. It was a normal, ordinary life, except that she was so terrible at holding

See I hate desk jobs too but I bet she wouldn’t be able to shop for groceries for her family. That’s where her fame has ruined her. Like I bet Meryl Streep (who noted that she’d rather be at home loading and unloading her dishwasher than at a public event) would be able to take $100 and shop for her and her husband

As someone who used to work at west elm and sell this stuff. I’m telling you, you’re buying overpriced cheaply made shit that will fall apart in 9 months, the upside is if you complain enough to them they replace it all for free.

Huh? What’s “fucked up if true”? That I don’t let people sleep on my couch? Fuck that. People are gross and oily and smelly and it has taken me too goddamn long to get sober, buy nice things and build myself a cozy place to call home. Want a good night’s sleep? Go the fuck home.

And if you select the Planned Parenthood Center for Choice, it straight up goes to fund abortions.

Kroger has a similar program that you can hook up to your rewards card too.

Their wheel is pretty obvious.. the robbery is no longer crazy news, she isn’t going to get knocked up again right now, Kanye’s issues didn’t garner as much sustained sympathy/press time as they hoped, her being naked is no longer shocking, the app is probably stagnant but stable revenue wise, how else can they become

C’mon No-mi! You know there’s only the one true Miss Cleo.

Did you know there was an episode where he gets kidnapped from a parking lot and forced into a van by two women, and then taken to an apartment and raped throughout the night? I recently read an article about fucked-up episodes from 80s sitcoms and I think I had blocked half of them from my brain.

If my Facebook feed is any scientific proof, the people who use hashtags like #Blessed and #Awakened are: a) rarely “blessed” or “awakened” and b) usually one post away from an epic public meltdown that makes using my data plan so worth it.

Can she though?

I don’t understand deskjobs either (don’t tell my boss)

Chris still calling out her name in records. Karreuche, you in danger, girl.

I think for children three meals a day should be an entitlement.

I can’t remember when I first realized we were in the upper middle class (dad’s a prominent attorney, mom was in entertainment business), but I do remember my parents clearly teaching me that their money is THEIR money. I was being a snotty 13 year old and begging my mom for the latest trendy jeans - they were like

Yeah, free and reduced school lunches are a very important program. Didn’t exist for us at the time.

It’s amazing how the words “we can’t afford that” get stuck in a kid’s brain. I think most of us heard that to one degree or another growing up, but it meant vastly different things for all of us - and we all took different meanings than what our parents intended in a lot of cases, too, I think.

We are very secure and comfortable financially, and I am constantly telling my kids that we can’t afford things. It’s because they have no sense and constantly ask me to buy things! Just because we are comfortable doesn’t mean that we can afford everything we want.

Second grade. Opened my lunchbox midyear to find half a bologna sandwich, a gherkin pickle, and an empty cup to get water from the fountain. I was like, “Huh. We’re POOR.” Then I shrugged and hightailed it to the playground.

I know 13 year old boys. They’re still kids. Their bodies are bigger but they’re still kids in their minds. I noticed he didn’t talk about girls just boys. Frankly way to play into that fear homophobes have about gays targeting their children.