
Personally, I am looking forward to Donnie’s complete meltdown when he finds out our tax dollars only cover State dinners and all other food, drinks and toiletries get charged to him personally at prices above market. Past First Families have likened it to staying at a fancy hotel. That first monthly bill should be

You get all that theater talent when filming in NYC.

I’m pretty sure this sums up how NJ feels about Chris Christie:

Not just the best writing. Amazing casting, as well. In general, all around, excellent production execution. This is what happens when you shoot TV in NYC*, you get a great TV show provided by a well spring of talent at every level.

Somewhat decontextualized, but - it’s shocking to me how overrepresented the 1% are in acting - just from trailers I’ve seen TODAY: Rose Leslie-Arbuthnot whose high nobility/aristocratic family allowed her to grow up in two castles, daughters of billionaires (!!!! BILLIONAIRES, not millionaires!) Julia Dreyfus-Louis,

I wish Upton wasn’t such a d-bag. I had to unfollow her from IG, etc. because she was going on some fucking tea party rant about trump or something equally offensive. From one short-waisted girl to another, GET IT TOGETHER, YA CRAZY. (I like seeing a model who is also short-waisted like myself.)

ETA: It was a shitty

Upton, her fiance, and her whole family are trash. I love that whoever edited the covers did her dirty, though.

Someone explain this to me, why do people think Kate Upton is hot? I don’t see it. She has twigs for limbs and her torso is a box. Is it solely cuz of her boobs?

From a FUCKING GERMAN person no less. “Uh, did you mean the neighborhoods you forced the Jews to live in during the 1920 & ‘30s before y’all got on that Genocide trip and killed 6 million Jews, and others deemed undesirable” or uh, the hopeless places that some blacks in America are forced to live in; trapped in by

Because the name“Alice in Ghettoland” wasn’t enough of a clue that there were bad ideas going on?

Traditionally when you land the cover of a very highly sought after magazine you don’t get to pull those demands. The editors of the swimsuit edition (or vogue or vanity fair etc) have a certain look they’re going for and bring on their own makeup and hair team to match the editorial decisions made for that issue.

She’s very pretty. Anyone can be blonde, she has a pretty face, large boobs, inability to act, and childish social/political views. As long as she stuck to the right kind of modeling, plus the jiggle videos, she was fine. Now that we know what a bad actress and human being she is, well, let the teenaged boys keep her.

Entitled, over-successful white mediocrity: not just for men anymore!

She is a fucking nightmare of a woman, and were it not for being with Verlander, that would become even more apparent, but he’s a kind of shield or sorts because short of that recent kneeling spat, he had gained a whole lot of goodwill in Detroit.

I kinda thought her career was on the down swing because people realize how unspecial she is as a model.

I won’t ever forgive her or Verlander for their classless little fits they threw over kneeling NFL athletes when that was a thing. I do not doubt for a minute that Kate acted the way they reporter her to have. Kate’s uncle is a long-time Republican Congressman up here in Michigan, and the family is from the Whirlpool

I had the pleasure of seeing Janelle Monae in concert a few years back, and when her and her band were doing their encore, they did a song or two laying down on their backs.

Many singers practice this way in early training. Helps you learn to sing using your diaphragm properly. Some people find they can sing better in weird positions.

Anything and everything regarding Robin Thicke: