There are two types of people: Those that have the personality and the temperament for retail, and those who should stick to garbage collection, ditch digging, and computer programming.
There are two types of people: Those that have the personality and the temperament for retail, and those who should stick to garbage collection, ditch digging, and computer programming.
The video is pretty damning. It seems to back the club, not Ellett.
Now we just have to sneak a crane onto enemy beaches to hold the sub!
I think you’re omitting some of the research that links aspartame intake with vascular disease.
I understand they only care about making poor women keep unwanted babies, to keep them poor and dumb, so they grow up to be dumb republicans.
Now you know what Tommy’s friendship meant, and how deep it was. He had no qualms about destroying a family, if it would get him clicks. You should be glad you were down on your luck and not at the pinnacle of your career. Your big salary, your family’s happiness, your kids’ respect, your personal and professional…
Women, not wanting to be seen as sex objects, objectifying themselves. That’s so meta.
I own this drive. It works as advertised, but you’ve gotta use the Sandisk app. The app is not the greatest, but it’s functional. I assumed that the tiny rechargeable battery would die pretty quickly, but so far, after a year of occasional use, it has held up well.
I own this drive. It works as advertised, but you’ve gotta use the Sandisk app. The app is not the greatest, but…
Atticus Finch is of course a fictional character, but the sentiment expressed in the sentence reiterates the points I made above. The fictional character in the fictional story having a “wrong” view (i.e., one that is different than what political correctness deems is acceptable) not only destroys the integrity of the…
And so, if the Atticus Finch of Go Set a Watchman is a bigot, if he finds—or found, or explored the possibility of finding—common ground with the murdering terrorists against whom he defended Tom Robinson, this will implicitly repudiate To Kill a Mockingbird.
Wow. Just wow.
The level of hypocrisy here is astounding. Racism is bad, but regionalism is good, huh? Looking down on others is okay, so long as it’s politically correct to do so, right?
Just wow.
This is further proof that the core of liberal politics is looking down on others in order to feel better about yourself.
Men and women are different. They have exceptionally different temperaments and ways of thinking.
When it comes to charging up in the car, four ports for $9 is about as good a deal as we ever see.
When it comes to charging up in the car, four ports for $9 is about as good a deal as we ever see.
What’s remarkable about this is this telescope is moving, and buffeting through air currents. I have a hard time getting my telescope aligned well enough and keeping it stable enough sitting on the concrete of my driveway!
As a public service, I’ve transcribed the rest of the message, because we all needed to know every last word of what was said.
This is nothing but silly talk from one Russian nutjob.
Happened to me in Georgia. To your point, I ended up rescheduling the trial, and the officer didn’t show. The judge made me wait a while, and when the officer didn’t come, she told me I was free to go.
“Duggar Trooper.”
I agree with the premise.
The biggest offenders, however, are not small, no-name companies. The biggest offenders are Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, and Intuit Quicken. The time lost to errors, bugs, and generally crappy programs like these must total in the Billions each year.