The part of the LM that would have put out that signal has left the moon.
The part of the LM that would have put out that signal has left the moon.
Ridiculous beliefs deserve to be ridiculed.
With regard to being a historical person that had an impact.. why wouldn’t anything have been written about him until 40 years after his death? Someone of paramount importance exists, is dangerous enough to cause the Romans to put him on trial and execute him publicly, but nobody thought to write a single thing about…
That’s what the crusaders said after killing anyone who didn’t agree or adhere to their religion
So why would I want to use the ISOs on the right that look bad?
I sure hope Tebow rewards you with a nice dinner for coming to his defense!
I’m not going to argue this any further because you seem to be willfully out-of-contexting things to fit some personal agenda - which considering how many religious people cherry pick passages from their own religious books out-of-context to justify personal agendas, I shouldn’t be surprised...
How is this position bigoted?
It’s absolutely not a historical certainty that Jesus lived. The Roman records have no listing, even on their very well kept execution logs, of a person named Jesus (or a name that translates to it).
It’s cute when religious people go throwing around the word “bigotry”
Your beliefs ...
i can’t decide if i want to block you ...
Goofing on him individually is not bigotry against any religious group.
You don’t get it. The comment isn’t about my personal beliefs or yours. You’re so myopic — and so many others are just like you — that you think as long as you agree with the insult, then the insult is okay. All the insult does is embolden you, make you think you’re right.
I do think Tebow has earned some of the opprobrium he’s received
If a crude comment was made about Gays there would have been multiple riots here!
They’re doing it about as regularly as Muslims are blowing up our buildings in the US...
Where do you live that you think Christian extremists are regularly blowing up buildings? And more importantly, are you still breaking the Prozacs in half? Stop that!
Tim Tebow’s religious belief doesn’t belong in sports.
I usually don’t waste my time with people who are completely willfully ignorant, but I’m making an exception in your case.