But if you are feeling a little down and out, a change of scenery to one of the top states might help.
But if you are feeling a little down and out, a change of scenery to one of the top states might help.
I love Rain-X. I keep a bottle of Rain-X glass cleaner in my car. I love the way it throws water off of the windshield and keeps my vision clear.
I love Rain-X. I keep a bottle of Rain-X glass cleaner in my car. I love the way it throws water off of the…
Well written. I'm a fan of Dave Barry, and I think you must be too.
Of course he should. We already get our science from a comedian in the form of Bill Nye, so why wouldn't we get our leadership from one, too?
This is hilarious, and misses the point entirely!
No one has argued that you have to have God to be good, Tracy. Despite the inches you devote to refuting that argument, I'm not sure that argument has even been made, outside of the schoolyard playground.
Microsoft has blown their credibility with me, forevermore.
An Improved Suite of Built-In Apps
A kid can learn a LOT more travelling for a week than they can in a week of school.
Yes, let kids believe in Santa.
And sometimes I feel like I live in a world where I'm forced to parse through the intentions of people who have no interest in knowing mine.
Anytime an ad is showing a kid in school in an octopus suit using the same tool as a business professional to get work done, I know the Marketing Department doesn't have much good to say about the product.
I made an illegal left-hand turn. This is what American drivers do. I was pulled over by a police officer. This is what American police officers do. I didn't call the cop a racist. I didn't argue with the cop. I was respectful to the officer. This is what good American citizens do. The police officer was…
This is still one of the classicly dumb business decisions of all time.
I can't stand the liberally-biased, agenda-driven, facts-optional point of view that is Mother Jones, however this is good advice to take about everything from car repairs to dentist visits to spacecraft contractors. An educated consumer is a better consumer, period.
I came here to say this: "3 to 5 uses?!? Criminy, use a clean one each time you shower or bathe!"
I think your point is still debatable.
Letting the rest of what you said pass, for the sake of argument, to get to this:
"Coca-Cola supports slavery" is a statement, presented as fact, that is not factual. Coca-Cola is a company, and its employees, stockholders, and management don't support slavery at all. They don't rely on slavery. They don't advocate slavery. They don't fund slavery. Saying so is libelous.
I disagree. If you have large enough pockets (and Coke certainly does) you can sue a little outfit like Gawker into oblivion. It doesn't even need to go to trial. The legal expenses alone necessary to defend such a libelous statement make it far easier to retract it than to defend it.