
You don't think "Coca Cola Supports Slavery" is worthy of a threatening letter from the Coke legal juggernaut?

Gosh I love Gawker and the self-righteous snarky mess that it is!

You know, I like Lifehacker a lot. I read it every day.

No matter how bad you want what someone else has, the minute you start negotiating, you really DON'T want it. You have to be able to leave the deal on the table if you can't get the terms you want. Make them sell the deal to you.

There are two errors here:

Having been in the business of serving customers my whole career, I have no sympathy for stories like this. You do what you can for customers. You don't serve them with a singular eye towards what you think you deserve. You build a clientele long term by providing exceptional service and knocking them dead with

Did you just equate Philosophy — a structured, disciplined, logical way of thinking — with alchemy — an unstructred, trial and error approach to magic? Really?

It can't spread through the air, and it isn't contagious before symptoms first show up, when a person might unknowingly be a walking disease distributor. Rather, the Ebola virus spreads through infected bodily fluids—such as blood, vomit, saliva, semen and feces—which need to come into direct contact with a mucous

Except that it does work. For evidence, I present to you exhibit A, my high school diploma, and exhibit B, my college degree. Also, exhibits C through 10,000, my subsequent lifetime work.

Now all we have to do is teach the terrorists to drive into the center of the barrier.

Completely love Lifehacker and the many tips offered, but this one seems dodgy to me.

I disagree completely.

Dave, just curious: what's your credentials on this? Are you a hiring manager? Do you conduct interviews?

You ask me about my religious views in an interview, and I'm putting you on the "confrontational personality" list and not offering you a job. That, along with making racist or sexist comments in the interview, would be the quickest way for our interview to be over.

So you're cool with religious bigotry then, just so long as it's not aimed at you?

The Palm Pilot was my only Palm device. I made the jump to that ah-MAZE-ing color screen Compaq Windows CE device. Like all mobile Windows iterations, it was a piece of crap. Later, I traded it in on a Pocket PC phone from Sprint that was so slow it would actually hang while trying to answer calls. Get that: the

Ah, you kids thinking everything is always new.

I still have no idea what a "share sheet" is, or why I'd want to use one.

You're 5'10". Why should you need MORE room to recline your seat into a space occupied by me, who is 6'2"? It's selfish and obnoxious to recline your seat into someone else's space. Period.

I received a stack of resumes about four inches deep for a job I posted. When you have to go through that many resumes, it's true what they say: the hiring manager doesn't spend more than a few seconds on each one.