Ah, the terrible difficulties faced by the self-obsessed.
Ah, the terrible difficulties faced by the self-obsessed.
He still plays the guitar though, right?
An excellent breakfast beer as well. Even good in a pinch when you're out of milk and need something to get the rice krispies a'snap, cracklin', and poppin'.
Quite a few folks currently labeled African-American descend from slave owners as well. Just goes to show you can't choose who your great great grand daddy was.
Day 1: I tried the grits in the company cafeteria, lots of coffee.
If it is any consolation to you, I fully support Texan efforts to secede from the union. We should be able to drop that brick if we all just squeeze a little harder.
Only folks jealous of TX would be folks who've never had the misfortune of visiting TX.
they should make a law against banning things.
Sure...and the best way to eat an egg is hard fried, the best way to eat a steak is well done, the best way to store tomatoes is in the refrigerator, and pasta should be cooked for a minimum of 15 minutes.
Your grandfather did you a tremendous disservice.