
You empty 'em dream catchers?

But, isn't this clearly the setup for a future episode where they explain why Mr. Poopybutthole is around and "normal"?

What, no plug for his podcast Pop Rocket yet? It's good and contains lots more of his smart, bitchy sass.

Nooooooooo. I was disappointed in the show.

While we're talking about disappointing gender stuff, can we also talk about that look that Dre and Pops shared about Junior half-playing a woman? It just screamed "why is my son such a sissy?" Bleh.

In only-very-slightly-unsettling news, the warnings at the bottom of the Claridryl website slowly go in and out of focus as you try to read them.

This is a wonderful story except for the part where it reminds me that I didn't go see them play with The Dodos. Damn you and congratulations!