
This is exactly why I think Superman III was the best of Christopher Reeve’s Superman movies. And Hater’s gonna hate but I love what they did with Pa Kent in MoS. He was a realistic pragmatic farmer dad dude which emphasized Clark’s choice to be a hero. MoS Pa Kent would be dumb enough to die in a tornado to protect

I’m sorry, this is my favorite of the Christopher Reeve Superman movies. No joke. I supremely enjoyed The extended cut version of the first Donnor film even though superman came off like a car salesman. And the crazy awesome Zod in the second was neat. But I lived before the Internet so i had no way to verify that my

This advances nothing except new conditions in health insurance fine print.

Or they have a disorder. If the spoiled child theory was just a lazy flippant assessment then they sound like parents that throw money at problems instead of having their child understood and treated. Nature or nurture its probably best the entirefamily is out of the system.

Called it. The is Lenzs law or whatever.

My dad wanted me to take over 5he family farm in Michigan. I told.him to go eff himself and that I’m going to college to be a paleontologist and dig bones like the world has yet to see. I now wear a 10000 dollar suit in an LA high rise while shilling polished quartz, granite and other garbage stones in mall kiosks

Can someone explain Archie comics to me. I figured the were like comics for religious kids that can’t read real comics from the 50’s. I didn’t know they were a real thing. Also, Veronica’s hot.

Understatement. Narcissist sociopath. Classic. Definitions for those labels change a lot but he’s as close to as a real world wolf in sheep’s clothing as we have. Real monsters.

Oh man Peter Watts obliterates any pride in being human. I like his shorts better but Blindsight is pretty win. Science Vampires man! He even has a fake video lecture about the evolutionary psychology of vampires by a scientist that discovered their genes in our gene pool.

I blame kinja for not loading the conversation. Although I assume they were all pending.

More from Joss Whedon: Wesley Wyndam-Price - Rogue Demon Hunter.

What? What about this article said anything about non-binary processing and memory? Analog electronic components have always existed that can transform input in a way that could be used to do computation. Programming that shit is ridiculously hard.

whoah dude. Did you get triggered? I’m glad that worked out. But I think the idea is that we’re not giving informed consent. Facts are being slightly obscured. I never opted for LASIK for one because I’m poor and two, the two people that had it had a miserable time. Three I look better with glasses(vanity). Lense

“I get my jollies seeing a model that applies in the macroscopic scale also aptly describe at the quantum(?) scale because I’m a big picture guy that typically isn’t rewarded by details that don’t relate to my everyday experience”

I agree. What a horrible story line.

Also, were there portals and time travel invloved? Maybe some sick 80’s pop songs?

China, you are drunk, go home!

I wouldn’t call smacking someone on the back of the head inherently poor social skills. It’s a thing dudes do to dudes but almost never do to women. Truckers make a lot of money. There’s incentive to be a trucker. If you lived in the city or a suburbia then you’d have enough taste to not have that be on your radar as

I appreciate the optimism. There exist no where on the earth’s surface where superconductors can exist. Temperature wise sure. Pressure wise sure. I didn’t exactly assume either. I gave a path to how it would work and there is no solution insight that would allow us to follow that path. Science isn’t magic.

I love this conversation. Ass engineering is the tits.