
Again, this is an extreme example of abuse and neglect. Do not group everyone who uses herbs and other methods to treat minor ailments as abusive and uneducated. That in an of itself is uneducated. Just like the idiots who try to pray away cancer and illnesses, these parents should have known better and acted sooner

The public. This punishment serves the public interest, because it’s not okay to deny your child access to medical care when the are desperately ill. There is a basic parenting standard we enforce as a society: Don’t rape your kids. Don’t starve your kids. Don’t allow your children to suffer and die because of your

If they had been Native American in Canada, there is no way in hell they would have been sentenced to a few months in jail. And no way in hell that they would have custody of the other children as well.

I wonder where that anti-antibiotic sentiment comes from? I do get the rational fears of side effects that any reasonable person should consider, but both the government and the doctors work through the risk/benefit scenarios, and typically suggest antibiotics when the benefit outweighs the risks.

I mean, who does it serve to put drunk drivers in jail? They didn’t mean to kill anyone and they’re probably really sorry about it! They fucked up and we’re doing what they thought was best at the time, amirite?