
You know those are going to be some challenging dogs to rehome.

Hey, if nothing else he's a great conversationalist...

As she should!

I loved him in that. He should have had so much more good work ahead of him.

I was blown away by how hard this woman worked to stay pregnant and have a healthy, or mostly healthy, or even pretty badly impaired baby.

This is really good to know! I have several weird medical conditions that I'd rather not make general knowledge, so I've always wondered.

If those are the only jobs you've had, you do!

Long ago I did some time at Wendy's. I think everyone needs just a little time in food service, to get some perspective.

How is it pronounced?

Yeah, this is the kind of stuff I complain about when I have to take it.

Grew up there - so true!

He probably THOUGHT she knew him, being as he was her greatest fan...


That, I agree with. American men especially - I love how certain British actors dress in their free time.

I may have to steal “Little Lord Fuckleroy”.

Haha, I love the “continuous DARE class” - bad examples from several generations of family (not to mention accidentally getting in the way when somebody was throwing things to make a point) kept me from any desire to join in.

I can’t understand how you could be sure the crash would kill your sister but not you!

Look how much shorter the twins are than the non-twin!

Two words that should never go together: CAPRI TUXEDO.

All Catholics, officially. Most Protestants, no, with the exception of tiny groups like Quiverfull or Fundamentalist LDS. (In the US - I don't know about other countries, obviously.)