
Very few other Christian denominations forbid birth control, at least in the U.S.

I wasn’t even surprised that somebody would have suggested that. It only reinforced my opinion that people are jerks.

Ron Mael of Sparks had a Roland keyboard he rebranded into Ronald. 😄

Me too! Of course, I may be biased because the doggie I brought home from the local Humane Society yesterday is curled up asleep in my bed. :-)

Most of the doctors offices and hospitals in my area have pamphlets in the bathroom informing women of their options in case they don't feel safe at home.

Might be helpful for families to understand that never getting married is no big deal compared with losing ones clitoris. I practically never use mine for anything, but at least I've got it.

Anal sex with a drugged 13-year-old who kept saying no Polanski!

My Breyers had fabulous halters and embroidered horse blankets too! I was such a horse girl, read allll the books (Marguerite Henry! Walter Farley!), just adored horses - I saved up FOREVER for six weeks of riding lessons (I’ll never forget, it was $22, that was big money in my house, but my mom matched me dollar for

My Breyers and my Dawn dolls occasionally had weddings. I was a kid! I didn't know any better!


I had a huge collection of Breyer horses, who were all related of course (parents! children! exes! feuding cousins!). My mother GAVE THEM AWAY after I moved out (if I’d known she was going to do that, I would have brought them with me!

Me too! I guess they wouldn't risk their beautiful (and I imagine valuable) horse that way, but it looks scary!

Good old Fandom Wank! I don't guess there's anywhere like that anymore!

Surely she wants to be in a VIAL necklace, not a vile one. I don't think anything vile can exist in the presence of such beauty.

His tail is ON THE GROUND. He must wear it in a horsie bun to keep it nice when he's not out being fabulous.

The sound is spelled SNIKT!!!

The problem was that he never STOPPED portraying Hunter S. Thompson.

She had been caring for his mother for a long time. When his mother passed away, she had no reason to stay.