
Agreed. NO WAY this is right, whether she's selling them or using them as edgy knickknacks.

I understand that a LOT of bones and bodies in museums are being returned to their people for proper burial (or whatever is the traditional method of disposal). I think that’s the only ethical thing to do.

DRAWING NAKED PICTURES of characters who might be underage is certainly a lot different from TAKING NAKED PICTURES of actual underage people!

Devin seems almost desperate for Lauren to agree with her! Ugh, I’d have been tempted to say so just to stop her hammering on it.

So glad my preferred activity is staying indoors and reading. Ticks freak me out!

No reason she couldn't have both.

I worry about people who refuse to believe they’re depressed - you may have something else and depression, too. Getting the depression treated has to make it a LOT easier to pursue what ELSE is going on.

I just had my thyroid retested yesterday - I’ve been on various levels of synthroid for the last 20 years or so, and when I’m this tired and pokey, I know it’s time to head for the doctor’s office and see what the little rascal is up to now.

And so, I'm sure, would the little Hello Kitty on my shoulder blade!

It was posted pretty recently. I love the Toast.

I can't agree with you on the comic books/graphic novels. Like everything else, most of them are crap, but there are some worthy ones too.

Another from the Toast:

I was bullied a lot all through school, but damn, the eye thing - THE WORST. You get all the stars I can give.

Yeah, if it were me I'd want a lot better return on my secret conspiracy!

Yes, my dermatologist suggested I look into some sort of laser treatment for my rosacea - she suggested a specific place, but not to let them sell me any products! She says that in general, stuff from the drugstore is just as good as stuff that costs XXX times as much. :-)


ALSO - from a person with a severe immunodeficiency - thanks to all who vaccinate. Along with keeping yourself safe, you keep me safe too.

Oh HELL yes. You get ALL THE STARS.

Huh. That makes it sound awfully, well, MEDICAL. It sounds more like a person who gives facials, with a couple of lasers to make it extra fancy.

But you can't make soap (or anything else) without chemicals! What, is she selling the concept of soap?