Huh. My ex was quite a big guy, and struggled with his weight all the time I knew him. Could walk FOREVER (fast!), spent hours on the elliptical machine, strong as hell, great blood pressure and other numbers, but COULD NOT lose weight.
Huh. My ex was quite a big guy, and struggled with his weight all the time I knew him. Could walk FOREVER (fast!), spent hours on the elliptical machine, strong as hell, great blood pressure and other numbers, but COULD NOT lose weight.
This article is incredibly relevant, to the point that I want to be ungrayed just so people can see it.
I’m 54. What’s to understand? Cute kid, silly video. I like it; it reminds me of my nephews.
If you had it, you probably wouldn't talk about it much considering how immature people can be about stuff like this.
And it's not even that rare.
I lived the first 30 years of my life in Tampa, and the only things I look back on fondly are the Tampa Theatre and WMNF.
If I wear cat ears, can I pee in a box instead of waiting for the bathroom to be available?
Don’t feel bad. A couple of weeks ago I was walking down a busy street with my friends and a guy did the fairly ignorable “Hey! Hey!” thing, and when I ignored him, he SLAPPED ME ON THE ASS. I had absolutely NO RESPONSE. And I’m in my fifties (and fat and homely besides), and usually snarky as hell. For half a block I…
Just yell “Oh look! It’s like a penis, but smaller!”
Holy shit! That goes beyond “rudeness” and “harassment” into “bizarre” and “if you find yourself doing this see your doctor to make sure you don’t have a brain tumor”.
Wow, I always thought they were a lot bigger, like a foot long or so.
It's the only reason I ever go to Reno.
Liam Neeson can do better than that!
All the Qui Gon love!
My mom told me that. Later I wondered “HOW DOES MY MOM KNOW?”
My mom left a (library) book on my dresser called “Love and Sex and Growing Up” when I was 12. I had been reading a lot of science fiction and thought it was more of the same (only not very well written). By the time I got my period around 15 I had conceded that it belonged in the non-fiction section.
You are adorable! (Not man’s comment obviously but still, by any objective scale, SO CUTE. Plus, KITTY!)
And by “relational skills” NO ONE MEANS PICK UP ARTIST CRAP.
I’ve often heard ANY woman can get a partner easily, and I suspect that people who say that don’t even notice that women under, say, 4 out of ten exist. An unattractive woman with Asperger’s generally does not have guys flocking to her.