
I took a swing dance class with my ex one time, and there were SO MANY MORE women than men! Any guy would at least get to dance with a lot of women.

Looks fine on my phone.

I am so sorry this has happened to you! Creepy hardly even describes it. I'm glad you're able to move, as inconvenient as that is, and I hope you will feel safe again.

And I bet he never gets to see the puppies, either.

An acquaintance claimed her husband did it all the time, and gave me the URL to a website. I never looked; I didn’t want that in my mind’s eye when I met him.

I did a stomach virus cleanse last week.

Plus (I assume) people do it in private, rather than showing off huge thar-she-blows clouds of vapor on the street.

How does she put on her makeup?

The victims were on the team, too.

He could just as easily have grabbed her off the sidewalk.

Wow. I hope people who take on a pet like this understand how long they’re going to be responsible for it.

Kanye saying he OWNS this kid - WTF??? You don't OWN a child. Creepy.

Yikes. Might as well have a kid!

Everybody's somebody's fetish.

When it’s cold and/or scary, try walking briskly around the mall. My house mate and I did this accidentally looking for a restroom. We were SO MOTIVATED!

I hate that - I have this one pair of jeans that fit when I put them on, but get looser until around lunch time they’re ready to fall down! I actually wrote B for belt with a sharpie inside the waistband after a VERY close call at work.

You need a pair or two of pants that fit NOW. Feeling like you're in a tourniquet is NOT going to help you exercise. Get cheapo ones you can give to goodwill when you're done with them, or nice ones you can have taken in or wear with a belt.

So if Keanu Reeves has been in a movie where he was shot, if I hire him it's okay for me to shoot him!

That’s one hell of an alibi! “I was EVERYWHERE EXCEPT THERE!!!”

Global warming is helping various species spread to places north of their usual habitats, too!