
Zoom Zoom BOOM

Did you never watch Bugs Bunny as a kid?

Without the GIF, I wouldn't get anything. My work blocks YouTube videos.

Well, the car was probably doing 60-80 mph, and if the bike was doing 140, then it would seem like he hit the car doing about 60-80 mph, and in the video, it did look to me like the speed difference was probably 55-60 mph.

Only car on the highway and he hits it. What a maroon...

Gawker Media, stop making GIF's out of every video.We have seen your skills and capability to make them , no need to overflow every website with those

Riding a bike is risky enough. Why do this shit?

There is no valid reason to be traveling that fast on the freeway.

If only I could give you plus five for a Firefly quote.

So here lies my dilemma. As kit cars go, I am actually impressed with this car and its level of detail. I mean they even redesigned the dashboard! But.... if you had that much money to burn on a Sebring, why didn't you just buy a better car in the first place? Seriously, for what this cost, I feel like you

Holy shit. $29,000? On a fake Bentley? Built on a Sebring? Wow, whoever buys this must be a sad sack indeed.

if you read the book Darth Plagueis you would know that Darth Sidious and Darth Plagueis used the force to will Anakin into existence but they thought they had failed in doing so since Shmi was millions of light years away on Tatooine when she got pregnant due to their crazy experiments with the force.

Aside from, you know, saying point blank "There was no father," and being unable to furnish a further explanation, at leas tin the movies. The implication through the prequel trilogy (not outright stated, but heavily hinted at) was that he was conceived through the Force by Darth Plagueis in a bid to overthrow the

Harry Potter did it right. Dumbledore? Yeah, he's gay. Did they ever show it? No. Did it ever matter? No, totally was not a part of the story. But yeah, he's gay.

An R rated Star Wars may never exist no matter what. These movies have been PG/PG13 since forever.

R- Ratings are reserved for

While I find it interesting (that they started to use women and aliens after they stopped using clones), my hand instinctively moves toward my face when "Progressive gender politics" is listed as something that would make the series better somehow.

Though, yes, the lack of gay people—or even homosexuality as a concept—in nearly all these stories is lame, and there's no good reason for it. But even so, these stories do strongly encourage inclusiveness, and I can't help but think that reading so many Star Wars books in my developing years helped make me be less of

Kyle Katarn, for example, is the lead character in three of the four Jedi Knight games. While he does show up in some novels, his adventures in those games never feel like they exist in the same timeline as the rest of the lore, and are never (as far as I can recall) referenced in other works, just as those games