
Another great idea for a whiteboard is to use shower board also called "melamine" I think. They sell 4x8 sheets at Lowes and home depot for around $12. It's super easy to hang since it does not weigh much and works great. I have it in my office and I am very happy with it.

Another thing to point out is that apps that are removed from the app store are not stored in the iCloud. Meaning you can't re-download them if you lose them. While this article may have implied this, thought it would be good to point out.

This is quite the rant. You do realize that the first iPod was crap compared to what we have now right? But it was a start, a start that led to all the great devices we have now. Siri is the same, and I am glad they call it beta because if Apple calls something a beta, it's going to get better, a lot better. Do you

Not sure what he is using, maybe flour, but anything that fine takes very little energy to catch fire and burn. He packs it really tight to control the oxygen level so it starts off burning very slow and smoking, as more oxygen is added (by fan or nose), it burns quicker and eventually flames.

Wow, while these look cool, they really mess up my eyes. My eyes are trying to constantly focus the blurry sections. A little less depth of field would probably eliminate the cool effect, but for me, way easier to look at.

@SGTalon: If you still get junk mail, they you need Gmail dude, I get hundreds of spam everyday and never have to look at one. It does an excellent job of detecting them.

@boxoman: oh, and I know this is a pencil... but still best writing utensil ever.

Pentel Forte A55 .5mm

@Lizard_King: Agreed, Ever since I put up an OTA HD dish, I have never looked back, forget paying $70/month, now its free.

@jktechwriter: I agree, stealing isnt cool. But its hard to feel bad when industries like airlines use price discrimination so heavily. The person next to you probably paid $200 less for the same ticket, how fair and ethical is that? And the airlines could care less about what you think.

I actually had a liquid metal baseball bat in 2003 when they first came out. It was really awesome until it broke about a month later. Not really the fault of the metal, more of a quality control issue I think.

Plants vs. Zombies - multitasking support.

Video is now blocked by FIFA, a perfect example of how they do not understand technology.