Fortress of Verisimilitude

Yeah, it’s so obnoxious how he demands due process for his friend who is actually innocent of the crime that he’s going to be executed by the state for. And how arrogant he is, to try to talk things over with Tony at the airport and then relents to combat when Tony shouts over him about how he, TONY, has had a bad

I’m not sure I entirely buy this. I’m sure it’s different from case to case and comedian to comedian, but I saw George Carlin perform at The College of New Jersey in about 2005 or 2006. TCNJ is not a big school that could’ve afforded too large of a paycheck for George, who is comparably equal to Chris and Jerry

They could do two things.

As some of you may know, 40+ GMG employees are leaving/have left the company after taking buyouts.

I really really like the game, but I think the game is a bit unpolished. I play on Ps4 and there are some pop-ins. Kadara especially is pretty bad where the grass pop in a couple of meter before you. The lightning can also be a bit off, sometimes there is so dark in rooms that I don’t really see the one that are

You’ll know when the person wearing it stabs a Nazgûl in the face and kills it.