Box Wine Sommelier

I keep starring amazing comments, and after I do, when I look up at the poster name, it’s usually you.

Rock. On.

All that was super great - except for the “You still have ALOT of great years left.”


Totally normal.

So I just tested my new email, works fine - try it again? spell carefully?


I do understand that. *BigHug*

It happened again!

Wait. I starred you but it took one away??? So I hit star again and it took another one away??? WTF.

Feeling for you deeply.


Bravo! Been there.


Intriguing... what’s a “see you next Tuesday” personality type?

Agreed - but I’m proud of her. Not ashamed. I worked terrifically hard to raise my wee boy into a good man. Mission accomplished.

Amen, baby girl.

Best part of my day: Off work and home by 6:30p. Ripped off my knee-high boots/socks, because they irritate my previously broken ankle. Huge glass os red wine, flomped on couch for a while before Jezebel. Hubby came home at 12:30a - loads of hugs/kisses/talk, then our quiet.

Wait. What?

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