
hey mitchell!

He did it much too late. When you go to a water park, you can go guns out when the sun’s out.

UPDATE: The water park has decided to let it slide

It would take over 150 years to put “a cool mil” in an IRA.

That’s what I call...

Livan... La Vida Loca.

Don’t feel like you have to abandon your joke. There’s plenty of latitude for strike-zone jokes here.

Raw meat, like God damn nature intended. Preferably from a bear you killed with your own teeth and fists.

I would never wish harm on anybody, but if something horrible happened to that absolutely terrible pair of humans, I wouldn’t bat an eyelash.

Or black drug dealers

Everything on this site is a cesspool. Why would the greys be any different?

Yep, two dead. Liberals don’t believe that unborn children are worth mentioning.

No. One person and one foetus. Welcome to Jezebel.

It could have been a trans person who was upset about the nature of the party, since gender is a social construct.

“I’d hit it.”

Well, to start with, it is the wrong time of year to roast a Chestnut over an open fire.

I’m guessing psychotic episode or bad reaction to narcotics.

This guy gets it.

I mean it is still a joke, just at the expense of a dead person.

I blame the government. Who expects old white people in Florida to comprehend intersectionality?