
I’m still going to call it Covfefe.

Covfefe’s Law.

Fuck Yu for making this joke.

Buffalo holla, city of squalla!!

Covfefe’s Law.

Remember when all of the pollsters had Hillary beating Trump?

Covfefe’s Law.

Kevin James is funny and the number one thing all women say that they want in a man is a sense of humour.

The new direction in film is deeply rooted symbolism.

Four out of five college movies have rape scenes in them.

Al Gore is so concerned with global warming that he is buying ocean front property in Miami.

Covfefe’s Law.

These pretzels are making me thirsty.

Yes, this would only be a fair race if you gave Spitz (swimming) AIDS.

I don’t think you know how police encounters work, they run your plates before they even pull you over. I’m sure this car and Castille were known to the police.

Maybe they were trying to give him a break.

The pretzel all of the commmentariet is twisting is delicious and it’s not even baked yet.

Julio Jones got himself into a heckuva predicament, a heckuva predicament!

Wait, the scrunchie/necktie thing on the door knob was for sex?