
I wish someone from the Dallas O-line would pick up the Blitz.

I heard the North Koreans were in the market for some Rockets.

The Predators made Fudge........

Covfefe’s Law.

I’m kind of torn too.

Bo by Fing r slams as many links into one post as possible.

Bone broth would be good for you.

I went to a sex reveal party this weekend, that’s a totally different thing.

Should probably be prosecuted as a hate crime cuz I hate the Cowboys.

PCP is a helluva drug.

Covfefe’s Law.

The issue that I have with this is who paid for and brought the golden shower portfolio forward?

This meeting is going to be like the Woodstock of our times. Every day one more person will say they were there.

They want this thing hidden like Playboys under the mattress.

The one criteria I have when applying Covfefe’s Law is that article or post does NOT contain any mention of Trump or his policies.

Sometimes a post about marbles is just a post about marbles.

Pelosi has to go for sure. Reid seems to already have taken a huge step out of the spotlight. Schumer may have a path to relevance in the party but his whole, at least we are not Trump bullet point needs to be deleted.

I felt this way in 2012 when Romney lost to Obama. I thought the Republicans would never win another election. I mean, Obama ran his first campaign on hope and change and that can fool people once but it could never work twice, right?

You brought up Trump in a post about marbles.

that is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Trump or his deeds.