
Melissa wanted to stay together for the contract extension but even she saw the writing on the wall.

Why doesn’t Chris Carter just get a fall guy?

You caught me, stupid voice to text technology.

“I’ve come to accept that this country has fucked itself, and probably doomed huamnity along with it;”

47% of the people in this country pay no taxes.

I don’t know if he is the worst person in the world, he seems fairly pleasant and well adjusted.

A trend I have been noticing lately is that voters prefer Republicans over Democrats.


A trend I have been noticing lately is that voters prefer Republicans over Democrats.

It does remind me of this story:

But what about Tanner Roark’s e-mails?


Counterpoint: jerking off in the shower is the highlight of my day.

Nipples want to be free.

What does Bill Clinton have to do with this?

150 million people are confusing health insurance and health care every day, I don’t think there is a chance of this one getting straightened out.

Maybe he decided he likes the weather down there.

If she is leaking, I bet Julian could help her get published.

Come on, I missed one ingredient and you want to throw the whole recipe out?