
I’m glad that you have learned all you will ever need to know about people, you should write a blog.

If only the MTA could unionize they could probably save civilization.

Jesus squeeze us, why do Americans have to make everything about America?

The reasons I wanted to exclude that answer was because the women were young, in some cases I think two generations removed from Bill and their life experiences with drugs would have been so different.

I have but I know what an Advil looks like and I wouldn’t take a strange or unknown pill instead of the Advil.

I feel like I should start all of my replies with fuck Bill Cosby so that people don’t get the wrong idea that I am defending or supporting him in any way.

Your points are taken.

The society and world that we live in.

The one thing that I have learned from this trial is that the alledged victims all took the pills willingly. None of them were Darren Sharper slip ins.

Sadly, no.

I can get you a blind Cosby by 3:00.

Isn’t throwing kegs alcohol abuse?

Will the defendant please rise?

So the black man is already guilty in your eyes?

I think you mean California penal league.

Remember there was a presidential candidate who talked about putting people to work on a $1T infrastructure project? Wonder what happened to him...

“I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”

I’m not seeing where it says Xavier Thicklen was black.

Don’t let the misleading writing get you down, she wasn’t killed by the people she testified against.

Was the Four Seasons all booked up?