Nice job cropping the picture so there is no ass, fucktard. Here is the rest for everyones enjoyment cause Sean Newell sucks at his job.
the Spurs are still real [removes glasses]Pinball Wizards.
Reporter : How do you feel about Nori Aoki getting hit in the dick ?
Sean Newell is the win by a nose dice roller, with less journalistic credibility.
Sean Newell looks like the win by a nose dice thing.
Pharrell Williams just got a new hat idea.
Kirstie Alley ? Val Kilmer.... Ggggggglobal Warming
That Henrik's so hot right now.
Just blow him already Tom.
Lukas has been known to try to stand out at the beach.
Your trying too hard to make it look like you're actually working.
He had gay porn on his iphone he deemed to be "training" footage.
Marchman writing something about how much a penis Rovell is huh ? This is kinda like cat shit saying that dog shit is disgusting and unpleasant.
To Derek Jeter's kids (whenever you come along):
Shit Pitch and High Tryin'
Shit Pitch or Die Tryin'