
Don’t forget $44 for a titanium carabiner for your keys!

It may have only been a certificate, but since it also included the private key it was a huge deal. With that private key anyone could sign a server certificate and it would be accepted blindly by your browser for any website whatsoever. I could have used it to generate a certificate claiming to be and your

Ok, that just makes my skin crawl.

It’s that damn non-monetary based economy I tell ya.

Shrimp tails do wonders as well.

Remove the valve stem caps, add a bb, then screw the cap back down.

I love all of the moving violations he just documented and published.

The dagger was sometimes called a “main gauche”, or parrying dagger. It was used in conjunction with a single handed sword to provide a parrying capability similar to a buckler. The main gauche usually had a larger guard than a typical dagger and could be used to trap an opponent’s sword.

Used to give out the good candy to the younger kids and had smarties/dum-dums for the overage teenagers that where way to old to be trick or treating.

I doubt he financed it. He probably bought it outright. Now paying the taxes every year....

Client download from CNET? Never mind.

Nah, needs a lot more red-eye.

So that’s what they were doing instead of making the code work properly.

Yes but often it will take 5 miles for the passing truck to gain 2 truck lengths during the pass, but then he will gain 10 truck lengths in the next mile once he isn’t holding up cars any more.

Clean Your Hard-to-Reach Spots With a Homemade, Reusable Duster

Apparently EA got it taken down.

Perfect for reining in runaway firefox threads.

Eric - It looks like pushbullet now has end to end encryption!

Remember: If you can’t do, teach. If you can’t teach, teach phys-ed.