
All of us here in Pittsburgh:

I am a Heinz Salad Vinegar fan and so mine is pretty simple.  Heinz Salad Vinegar, light olive oil, garlic salt, pepper...that’s it!  I just use way more vinegar than anything because I am an acid boy.  I could drink it straight out of the bottle like a psycho! 

Everyone in Pittsburgh agrees...potatoes (french fries) are a staple on salads here!

Now playing

I’ll never be able to hear about boilermakers without thinking of Seabass.

I usually agree with this, but I actually liked when *SPOILER ALERT*

I recently made my first sous vide pork loin and it was so delicious that I plan to do another real soon.

Iceberg is shit lettuce and you know it.

Jimmy Kimmel is in Brooklyn this week so I would not be surprised if this is somehow his doing.

This is Lucy and she is not amused by this pink sweater