
If going down the stairs is so hard, why doesn’t he just install an El Evator?

*goes to have coffee with Phasma to discuss being underused*

Well, at least it explains why Stormtroopers can’t hit their targets...

Now playing

For the record Carl agrees with you about the Texans

They’re a stiff contender.

Boyz 2 Men has to be the winner.

Well. you see he was discharged but no one told him so he kept flying, him and his red stapler.

It’s the autopilot:

Oh, that’s Fred. He’s special. Officially listed as ‘165 lb. antisocial ballast’, the crew considers him to be a good luck charm.

I’m with ya, but I’m not sure the article writer here should be mocking something that actually SHOULD be on people’s wish list. We need manufacturing here. We’re a mess because we let ourselves become mostly a service based economy outside of Hollywood, Vehicles and War. And we almost let the vehicles go just a few

That’s part of his plan too...He’d probably put that on the negotiating table. “I’ll give you a lower tax rate to bring the money back to America, and you bring more manufacturing jobs along with it...” I’m not saying he’d be great at everything (far from it), but there’s a couple business things I think he’d actually

I would think that with four of those pointy things on his collar, there aren’t too many people that are going to write him up for his footwear selection.

That was really impressive... Leave it to the military to get creative in planning & executing things like that (experience goes a long way here). They don’t have the phrase “Can’t Be Done” in their dictionaries.

I grew up in Ras Tanura and was on the last KLM refugeee flight from Dhahran before Desert Storm happened. We then went back and were there for the finale. I still have my S10 respirator and fond memories of going to see the US and British troops up near Khafji.

I remember sitting in a battered T55 that had been

A little bit of cleaning would go a long way or you get a comment like this:

When hey saw the guy with the light saber, they should have ducked.

As a brit I’ve grown up with Trump being a verb meaning to fart. This has made the current state of american politics endlessly amusing. You have no idea how funny “Trump offend mexicans” is to the british, I mean how stinky was that guff that it managed to offend an entire country. I am also aware that this isn’t all

“What an exciting contest between two teams who are the best of chums” said no one ever.

Cleveland gets a second team. Both teams get to pool their wins at the end of the season to try to get into the playoffs. They still don’t.