That’s Yakety Sax...
You couldn’t be more wrong about that.
i was thinking the salt flats.
This thread is going to hell and btw, they called a yellow cab. Obviously.
If the option presented itself (and the cost was within grad student budget), I would buy this.
The ap says there is one nearby, but he’s not responding.
Nah she took a Lyft, no Uber drivers were around.
News reports say McQuiggin drove away from the scene of the accident and ditched her Porsche in a nearby restaurant parking lot. It’s not clear how she got back home.
Not enough rust, current owners aren’t inbred, not a jeep. Sadly, no
Nahh, there isn’t enough wrong with it yet.
For $80.
$80 says David is thinking about buying this
Let’s be honest. Her writing’s about mocking the unwell uncool kid for laughs. It’s not about how ‘scared’ she is or anything like that.
Ride public transit and get over yourself, lady. There are all kinds of people out there, and...that’s fine.
I’m trying my best to picture the target market for this British coal-rolling rednecks? Do those even exist?
Community sponges? Eww. Just grab a couple of paper towels and some hot water from the tap. Works every time, but I only drink it black.
Nowhere did I say you should be riding as fast as the speed limit. I’m saying I get pissed when I’m stuck behind you on a road like the one I describe, and I wish for more bike trails and I wish you had taken an alternate route that was more bike-friendly.
Or catch fire. Keep your Mountain Dew handy to extinguish the flames.
What about the Manifold? Is there any potential danger?