Bourne Again Jedi

The British swear so fucking cute... don’t they!

I HAVE A ZUNE!!!!!!!!

Orange you right on the point... I was wondering “What’s the Bro price?”

Is the 30 MPH sign ironic or just funny... I have a hard time with irony.

He has a really big pool brush... much bigger than yours.

It’s the fucking cameras!

Not real of course...

That gives me a hood bulge.... hahaha/not kidding

That was a joke based on this picture...

Really... that kind of grosses me out actually but now I’m intrigued (OMG, I spelled that right without spellcheck!).

What if you are at the office wearing a dress and going commando... still recommended?

I want one that smells like cheeseburgers!

Do the epsom salts make you eat Florida homeless people’s faces?

Or just quit Facebook.

Nevermind... I was originally going to say “Is it parked out there in the grass because it’s broken?” but then realized that’s “Tavarish” and you are someone completely different. Sorry, my bad.

Maybe it’s not Neptune anymore butt now it’s Uranus...

Wouldn’t it make more sense to give out free Poop-to Bismo?