
But quickly and for free. Not bad, really.

AAaah the prairies. Thank you Amazon and other places that send us lovely boxes of things that will never be available IRL. (Often sales-tax free). Yay!

Something. Nothing your meager brain could comprehend.

Talk to the FDA, not me. Lecture? What, are you 10 years old? Woman/Man up; get off that “I’m a victim" potty.

You said it! Keep On!

You are all over the place tonight. You are angry (but you are not hiding it very well).

I still can't figure if you were dissing me. If you were — I'd still like to meet you IRL good times, dear Laconic One.

Did I suggest other otherwise? Here is a question for you: How prepared are you to meet YOUR death? Go break something breakable — not me.

Why are you picking on this commenter? Is the rage that hot?

That is SO good. But I’m confused. Do you mean that, generally, males will get the benefit of women’s protest and that we should be mindful of that? Women always seem to have to both step forward and step back when it comes to defending the rights of Black men. Tell us more.

Kinja won't let me star you; but I'm giving you a standing ovation. Beautiful.

Never apologize when you speak from your heart. I am starting to wonder if "hearts" even matter here.

deerlady; that was brave, but it doesn't look like a "white" (if you are) opinion is wanted, needed or welcome here. Good Friday night to you, and keep believing even when others won't.

You win.

Are you mentally deficient or something? Probably not; either very young and naive, or you are bored tonight or testing your "intelligence quotient". Go to bed. As Scarlett O'Hara said "after all, tomorrow is a NEW day!" Lose the juvenile 'tude and have a good Friday. What a waste of my time......

Starred you numerous times, but nada. Does the whole world hate me, or do I have a PC STD?

I love cuddling in my sweater or "pash." Big deal. Just getting a little homey confort under the guise of chilliness. Better a bit chilly than hot and groggy and "foggy" as hell. Anyway: perimenopause — cool breeze yay!

aultosaur: I hope you're not being sardonic: Sorry, I don't mean to be ticklish, but everyone is so damn ANGRY and mean tonight, and you are known to be the queen of logi-haiku (coined that just for you, me dear).

b) That's the awful thing about printed social media — no Tonality. Print seldom ever expresses the subleties. Sor very sorry. "Otherwise?" I can be pretty "thick," I guess — I just don't want anyone to die, even though of course, we all must all die. [right now I'm thinking Homer Simpson who lamented "Nooo. I wanted

It isn't my goal to be clever. No apologies necessary; you are forgiven.