Reread The Call of Cthulu and pay attention to his descriptions of people, you’ll notice that it’s not as separate from his writings as you think.
Reread The Call of Cthulu and pay attention to his descriptions of people, you’ll notice that it’s not as separate from his writings as you think.
In 2001 I was 11 years old. And all I wanted was a Gamecube.
Everyone has to play What Remains no matter what. It’s so beyond ‘walking simulator’.
IMO, Gone Home did what it set out to do well enough. Not the best walking simulator, but enough to garner interest into the genre of walking simulator + environmental storytelling.
There Will Be Horse Dicks
Yep, solidarity for the deadspin folks!
Jezspin forever
the only cruise i would ever do is a viking river cruise. this is because their ads before PBS Masterpiece always made me want to be an elegant retiree gliding along the rhone with my aging but still dashing lawyer husband while taking in the sights of ancient europe, but also because it’s a river so if the boat…
It’s an acknowledged attempt to collude with a foreign power to influence an upcoming election.
Yeah. Like what the actual... I’ve attacked a plate of bread and hummus so aggressively that I actually bit my own finger. I’m just going to assume this person doesn’t like curry at all and that cinnamon and allspice in all forms turns them off. That’s fine. Do what you do. But food you don’t like isn’t an “atrocity”…
You... you hate greek and middle eastern food?? Damn. I honestly just can’t even understand how that feels. Give me some kofta, labneh, falafel, tabouli and humus and I am in heaven.
Yeah, there’s the problem right there. The reason why the United States moved to the left in the 1950's and 60's wasn’t because back then, a more enlightened species of robber barons ruled our businesses. Businessmen are businessmen, always and forever, which means that they will be greedy, lazy and short-sighted if…
Okay, no one told me that Disney+ was going to offer unlimited downloading. That actually sort of is a game changer for me - a service that lets me watch literally anything on it on the subway is much higher value than one that doesn’t...
Just okay lol Get out of here edge lord, the starbucks hipster cafe is that way.
LJS chicken was/is my guilty pleasure food. I used to eat it once a year, when my wife is out of town so that I can fully marinate in my shame. I moved, so it’s significantly farther away, and as a result haven’t eaten it this year. Yet.
You know how I know you’re gay?
That’s exactly why I think this is a great film. Perfect characters are boooorrrrring. Either perfectly evil or perfectly good. This is a movie about two ordinary (and therefore flawed) people in a relationship that isn’t working. Just like life! There’s no villain! There’s no hero!
Honestly, that’s one of the more important parts of the movie that’s overlooked: We’re all dicks in some way. We’ve all had that “romantic vs. reality” moment in the film, whether it be about a job, a lover, a friend, a situation... they should show that scene to all high school freshman on their first day of school…