
My apologies in advance for the caps

Cyclist here and I completely agree — follow the laws (though with a caveat, below). The worst is other cyclists riding the wrong way in a bike lane, or on a sidewalk. That freaks everyone out and is begging to get hit. Don’t run red lights, ever!, and if you’re turning left, use the left turn lane (even if it pisses

I feel like you don’t live in SoCal. I leave my house for work at 7:15am almost everyday to be at work at 8am. Some days Ill get there by 7:45, other days ill get there at 8:15. Its pretty fucking stressful not knowing if that street that you took yesterday, the one that was wide open, is going to be backed up for 3

The polite thing drives me bonkers. Not only does it cause slow downs but it causes accidents. If you have the right away, you go. If you have a sign (or lack of sign) telling you to do something, do it. There’s an entrance at a shopping center near me where it’s a 3 way intersection. Cars coming off a major strip

It won’t fit on most desks, for one. Also a cheap 4K TV isn’t going to look as good as an IPS display.

It won’t fit on most desks, for one. Also a cheap 4K TV isn’t going to look as good as an IPS display.

This looks cool and all, but what the hell is “vaselike versatility?”

This looks cool and all, but what the hell is “vaselike versatility?”

Engineering did a good job. Marketing not so much. “Skyactive”? Really, that’s the best they could do?

There’s nothing like seeing wealthy undergraduates to make one want to hoist the black flag and start cutting throats.

OMG someone calmly and mildly criticized something in a game we better type up a whiny comment accusing the author of being more mad than he actually was

Huh, my favourite magician has always been Harry Houdidn’tgrabmyass.

Nice, with the Dune reference. Whoever it was on Twitter who said that Bannon “looks like Baron Harkonnen’s origin story” won that day.

I’m gold. Hardly even close to pro. Mercy’s pretty easy to play still. Then again, I got called out for “using an aimbot” as Mercy by a Widowmaker so....

I still question how that works with projectiles to this day.

Genius is oft decried as heresy by those who are butt.

I only learned this year, my 38th, that you should make your s’mores with a Reese’s peanut butter cup for the chocolate layer.

The last first date I had was on a Sunday. We met for brunch, then went to a movie; I asked if she wanted to get coffee afterward, she said yes. After coffee, I asked if she wanted to go to a pool hall and have a drink. She said yes.

“Signed someone whose “woke” white friend’s husband jokingly called me a prairie n****r.”

They would probably have taken it to their graves. That’s what people do when everything around them — newspapers, tabloids, TV, executives, agents, colleagues, fans, pundits, shithead anonymous internet commentrs like Killsq4d — unifies to send a clear message: You won’t be believed.

Hell, it’s not even just the women who stood to lose from coming forward. As QT’s mea culpa today demonstrates, even men knew what was going on and remained silent because they knew their careers were on the line. And quite clearly that threat goes double for women, so of course most of them weren’t going to say shit

Alright. A lot of snark here, and yeah, that valuation is a fucking joke and their leadership’s technobabble is cringeworthy...

I just started, and this explains the always cool response I get: a smoldering bouldering cold shouldering.