
You are aware that boxers are commonly referred to as “fighters” and a boxing match is typically referred to as a “fight,” correct? And even technical or defensive boxers are known as “technical fighters” or “defensive fighters.” And he’s 49-0. If Laura had called him one of the greatest knockout artists or sluggers,

That statement from Secretary Merrill of Connecticut made me smile. It’s the perfect response:

My students get free breakfast and free lunch, and they eat it all, with the exception of government-provided “second best” fruits and veggies, most of which tend to be old, bruised, small, sour, and basically inedible (the broccoli and strawberries are always awesome). I eat school lunch in a pinch, and it’s decent.

It did affirm “The Streisand Effect” in regard to real estate listings.

What mental gymanstics do you have to go through to think it’s a good idea to put an American flag on a dumpster?

And once again a pointless argument has ended pointlessly with no one growing as a person.


The people who want to go back to the way things were are those who think spending more money on GOOD food for poor kids is a waste because those kids are a waste. 

Just a quick anecdote about the school lunch program - my sister is a kindergarten on a reservation where the food is, to put it mildly, insanely bad. Her kids were always hungry because the school lunch was the only full meal a lot of them had a day and it was nutritionally barren. She would buy huge boxes of granola

This is an excellent point. My mom is the only person I’ve ever met who destroyed 2 different 3800 series GM engines and whatever engine they put in ‘97 Honda Accords. The Honda went 86000 miles without any fluid changes of any kind before it totally locked up.

As a woman, I find it quite hysterical that men are suddenly walking around feeling that their personal security is so threatened because ISIS.

Problems in their world don’t exist until they are personally affected by them.

I just can’t anymore. I have bipolar disorder and, trust me, if there was a way to avoid it I would have done it by now. It sucks. Do they not hear the words coming out of their mouths???

It should. Your chances of being killed by an ISIS terrorist is very low. But there are a lot of people here in the country absorbing this stuff. And they are heavily armed.

So, just to summarize; “Small group of white millionaires with FREE lifetime healthcare tell people all about the different healthcare that they’ll get AND LOVE, even though it’s a hot bag of dog shit”

Exactly! And a ‘good guy with a gun’ is still an unknown factor. If I’m in a Starbucks, with my concealed service weapon, and I see someone in line with a visible holstered weapon, and I know this person is not a LEO (we do not carry visible weapons without a badge somewhere on us identifying ourselves), all I know

This is a tragic scenario for her and especially for her children, who will now grow up with a mother in jail and a dead father.

We already kind of are.

I think that’s where the 501st legion comes in. They can pew-pew our way out of this.

Bottom line: The NRA is making this ad because this is how the Republican base sees our country, at this moment in time, and it accurately reflects their feelings about everyone else in the country. These people are heavily armed and itching for a fight, talking nice and listening to their concerns will not defuse the