
The entire medical field makes me wish I was really horrible at contextual understanding of unfamiliar words.

You claim not to understand the desire to boycott, but you seem to understand perfectly why a person might choose not to reward a person or entity with whom they have a substantial disagreement.

Every day of 2017 has been a dark day for democracy in the US. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Yah it’s a little meta. Basically the Serial story was a story of a wrongful conviction for the murder of a teenage girl. All indications were that Jay was a police informant who made up/lied about all sorts of evidence, eventually leading to the conviction of his “friend” for committing the murder.

This might be a little down the rabbit hole, but are you familiar with the Serial podcast that was sweeping the nation like 2 years ago? Well anyway, one of the main “characters” in that story was a guy named Jay, and Greenwald allowed/assigned/enabled hack-writer Natasha Vargas-Cooper to profile him as a “rebuttal”

Greenwald is a scourge. He had his proverbial 15 min as an actual reputable journalist and that was over long ago.

I wish her upper lip could move like it used to.

Chuck and Friends is seriously ripe for being taken down a few pegs.

Do you not consume any products that contribute to landfill waste? What difference is this vs. a half dozen Starbucks cups, or the bag your chips come in?

Do you not consume any products that contribute to landfill waste? What difference is this vs. a half dozen

For all the dick-sucking reviews of the MX I never hear anyone talk about the VX Revolution—a mouse that actually fits in a normally-sized human hand.

For all the dick-sucking reviews of the MX I never hear anyone talk about the VX Revolution—a mouse that actually

Gaslight all you want.

“nothing to do with”

If you were a woman on a date with a clearly unstable man, you would honestly concern yourself with how that man makes his way home? Moreso than your own personal safety?

This is good kinja.

Right, most people have a smartphone but personally my smartphone isn’t really geared toward entertainment, it’s full of work and everything else related to my life. My iPad is where I relax and entertain myself.

What’s stopping the airlines from partnering with Amazon or Apple and deploying a fleet of airline-owned tablets for rent on flights? Removing the screens that everyone (even the poors) gets when they’re mounted in the seat backs doesn’t exactly preclude an entertainment-based cash grab.

I remain skeptical. Cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face isn’t exactly unheard of in capitalism. And airlines hardly have much credibility.

His “base” is way smaller than the number of people who voted for him. I’m not sure what good is done by perpetuating the narrative that 50% of our country will blindly support the guy when that’s already been proven false.

LOL so now that you’ve actually comprehended my argument, yours is no longer that Frank doesn’t have a carefully curated image, now you’re moving the goalposts saying of course he has a curated image.

Instead of calling it a straw man why don’t you actually answer the question I posed. It isn’t about treatment of a male Trump spokesperson vs. a female Trump spokesperson—though that’s certainly what Kellyanne wants us to be talking about—this is about unprecedented dishonesty from a presidential administration.