
At this point, there is no reason to believe it wasn’t a hate crime specifically targeted at a Jewish cemetery.

As much as I loathe the word fuckable, Bieber is definitely fuckable while Trump is not.

Nowhere did I say that WNBA players are paid as handsomely as their NBA counterparts.

Landscapers blow out their backs and or have gnarled hands that can no longer grip things. They also spend a fair amount of time on their knees digging and planting things.

Don’t take my word for it, use your fucking browser and google it.

Kev, I know you’ve never done either one so why don’t we save some bandwidth by considering me trolled and you told.

To be clear, I have zero problem with immigrants or migrant workers—my business relies on them too because they offer semi-skilled labor that honestly, most white americans don’t want to do at any wage.

Doesn’t there need to be at least the appearance of criminal intent? How is desperately wanting a better life for your children demonstrative of that?

Right right and the chilling effect of that looming immigration court system means that the regulation (however absurd) will still have Trump’s intended effect of terrorizing immigrants.

Now that’s campaign reform we can all get behind.

Just putting this out there:

Surely there’s a lawsuit waiting to happen by charging parents with smuggling their own children? I mean, is that even possible, legally speaking?

I think it depends on who is digging the ditches.

I’m doing neither of those things. I know these players are paid garbage wages for the most part. And I know their jobs are grueling and prone to permanent injury.

No. Fucking NO.

Right, I know that. Like many american workers they may be undervalued, but their job is not harder than the majority of amercans, and JayMo up there is an asshat for foolishly comparing professional athleticism and white collar accounting.

Nobody’s equating those two things, but you.

There is no universe where vandalism and desecration of graves is a prank.

Actually, doubling volume can go a long way to solving business financial problems.

It couldn’t be a more dicksucking comment about Bernie Sanders.