
honestly tell your partner that this isn’t acceptable and that you won’t be in a relationship with him/her if it continues

I wish you weren’t right.

When they go from stalker to home intruder I think shooting is a totally fair response.

Aren’t we all? Wouldn’t we all just kill ourselves if we didn’t have some belief that people try to do some good in the world, even when they fail spectacularly?

I would argue it’s an incomplete take, since this is such a complex issue.

That is what I mean, even in the current congress.

Human relationships aren’t binary. Forcing your spouse into a binary choice is manipulative, controlling, and shitty.

To be sure, Bush’s democracy spreading was a total failure.

The camo stuff is really, really bad. Some of the other stuff isn’t awful.

??? Where did I say I give any shits what Ryan wants?

The problems I face as an American are largely the same problems I faced when Obama was elected. Rising extremism (domestic and abroad), precarious LGBT and other civil rights, a hollow and deeply unstable economy, republican politicians who want to turn back the clock to somewhere around the middle ages.

What the fuck. I am literally incapable of sitting through being fucking laughed at like that, why wouldn’t Wemple just get up and leave?

I don’t support the death penalty, but the justice system is so ill-equipped for stalking cases like this, self-defense seems like the only real solution.

You seem to think the political process boils down to listening to the loudest assholes in the room. You should be a republican.

I think the big difference is that the Russians don’t even pay lip service to improving the world. For all W’s faults, spreading freedom and democracy is to some degree a noble cause.

Jobs jobs jobs doesn’t mean shit. It’s been worn the fuck out over the last decade.

This right here is exactly why democrats lose elections and republicans—devoid of rational thought or ideas—win them.

With all due respect, you sound like a navel-gazing moron.

EXACTLY!!! I’ve been shouting into the void about this for several weeks.

If Bernie Sanders is the savior, why didn’t he do anything about all the state legislatures and governor’s races democrats have lost over the last 8 years?