
It sounds like the families of the two non-boat-owners are the parties suing. Not the family of the dead boat-owning guy.

The lawyer can be a problem, and so can getting drunk and high before operating a motor vehicle.

I can’t be the only one who sees this as Sessions having finally stood up to Trump long enough to say “I can’t defend your existing order, but I can help you write one that won’t get thrown out 5 minutes after you sign it.”

And the ramps look old enough that whatever bite those dimples once had is no more.

These are supposedly adults, who politically shit in their pants.

I like Obama’s couches better, but W’s rug is pretty cool.

I supposed that depends on how you define the following:

Are you new to the internet? It’s implied here:

The comment you’re responding to goes out of it’s way not to direct anger at Oprah.

He might also step off the curb tomorrow and get hit by a bus, never having operated a clutch or shifted his own gears.

The state wants their sales tax. Buying these vehicles for the express purpose of generating a profit is a business activity that is taxable in my state.

It sounds like maybe there was 19 bags for the main entourage, and there wasn’t time to check them all (or perhaps, space on the plane) so one member of the entourage stayed back with the 19 bags. Derulo either didn’t know, or didn’t care until his plane was taxiing, that the one member of the entourage would

Right! It’s almost like we should just limit kids to vehicles that they power themselves, like big wheels and bicycles. What a concept!

Just switch to weed.

Well, obviously gays don’t want to prey on fat children! We only want to convert fit and healthy children to our gay and devious ways.

It sounds like she was driving what they call a Side by Side, like a Raptor or a Gator, which usually has a full cage around it. It’s ostensibly safer than a “quad” type ATV, but clearly just as dangerous and usually much more powerful.

Additionally —and I saw this in NC twenty years ago and see it in Florida today — first year, the charter school is shiny and new and top shelf. Second year: things might not be repaired as quickly, teachers aren’t replaced. Third year: textbooks are now substandard and the place is coming apart, but that charter

I agree completely. And in the case of dirt bikes and quad type ATVs, they aren’t really intended to have a small passenger along with an adult rider, making it even harder for the adult to control.

Not to mention basic logistical concerns like upper arm strength (i.e., the ability to hold on to the steering if a tire hits a rock or tree branch that jerks the steering to one side) or experiential concerns like knowing how to regain control of the vehicle without overcorrecting—something that should be learned on

One of the biggest dangers is being partly ejected and then crushed by the machine. This doesn’t sound like a 4 wheeler, it sounds like what they call a “side by side” which almost always has a full cage around it. It is much safer to be strapped in—but this child should not have been driving by herself especially not