
I voted for him in the primary, but feeding his own ego or not disappointing his supporters was more important than advancing democratic ideals.

Charisma and appeal are concepts completely foreign to Bernie Sanders. Ideas—those he had—but instead of using them to influence a winning platform he used them as weapons against the eventual democratic nominee, ensuring none of his ideas will make it to law.

Visibility means nothing. Bernie is a failed candidate and is frankly just as out of touch as the rest of those in office.

What would be the point? So he can rail about inequality? If he can’t get anything done, then he’s not an effective symbol of the movement nor is he better in the white house than where he is now in the senate.

This is not a fair criticism of his diplomatic skill, but remember when John Kerry didn’t look like a PSA warning against the dangers of cosmetic procedures?

Tyga looks like he needs some really drastic dental work at some point.

I suppose some of us will have to agree to disagree.

You’re missing the point. Those people you’re referring to largely do not work in congress, which is who Bernie is up against if he were to win the white house and try to get anything done.

Well I certainly don’t mean a new car in the driveway every couple years or tropical vacatoins every winter.

Sometimes it looks like that even when it’s not the case, but I am glad we agree that a civilized society should put children at the forefront!

In my opinion, our education system is a joke. Our schools are underfunded and being attacked and undermined at every turn by religious nut jobs and historical revisionists.

I don’t know what that means.

This post is useless without video.

We need a stronger social safety net like the nordic countries, one that recognizes how unrealistic and/or impossible it is to make a decent life for oneself in America when you factor in healthcare, retirement, and education.

Ronald Reagan was one amoral sonofabitch.

The GOP literally picked up where the Dems dropped the ball. Democrats should have the upper hand in building a coalition of women, minorities, workers, etc. yet they’ve failed utterly to do anything of the sort over the last 16 years. So now the GOP is like “hey, why don’t we just do that and beat them at their own

Did someone say engorging?

Honestly I think it depends on the culture. Many of these places are like playgrounds for grownups, there’s a lot of emphasis on “collaboration” which in my experience almost always means someone wants you to work for free.

I think she will but I’m scared to root for her. I think the GOP is working on a strategy to use demographic groups like women, workers, etc. to transcend party affiliation and put themselves in power for generations to come. If this recent election is any indication, their plan is working.

Personally I prefer to think about how much better this country would be if people didn’t have to spend 50-60 hours+ a week away from their children.