
That's horrifying! I'm so sorry you had that experience. A gain of three pounds really isn't that much when one considers you had made it clear that you were there to build muscle, and I'm glad that other women recognized that this was totally out of line and stood up for you.

I knew that this comment was going to come up, and I'm really sad that in your world view my mention of the enjoyment of an alcoholic drink sends up red flags of addiction and dependence instead of thoughts of a wonderful artisan product that is to be appreciated and shared in moderation with those whose company you

No, that's not the case at all. I really do want to do the work. I really enjoy our sessions and am working really had to keep up with my workouts at home. I'm just not interested in "dieting" and was under the impression that it is the place of a nutritionist, not a trainer, to provide dietary advice.

She has both ACE and NASM certification.

In a recent and desperate attempt to fight off the inevitable effects of SADs that I experience each winter, I hired a personal trainer. I told her that my goals were to feel better, have more energy, and improve my endurance. I am over weight, but I told her that weight loss wasn't really a goal for me but would be

Now all we need is to find a good recipe for Hot Ham Water! And Mayoneggs!

Just as many are baffled by the people who claim to wash their jeans after every wear, I'm totally confused by the people who claim to never wash their jeans. Even if you have impeccable personal hygiene and wear clean underwear everyday, things are bound to get sweaty, stinky and just generally funky in certain

"Sean Parker and bride..." What, she didn't have a name?

I'm pretty sure that regardless of where you live, not properly dealing with this leak is a huge violation of your local landlord-tenant agreement laws. This leak could cause mold and mildew growth, which can cause all kinds of health problems and would be cause for breaking a lease on it's own. Also, I'm pretty sure

You could buy new Fiesta Ware in cobalt from Macy's or Amazon. Yes, they're a little expensive and neither Macy's nor Amazon are not entirely without their own ethical concerns, BUT (1) it's not Walmart, (2) they're made by Homer Laughlin in the United States under good working conditions, (3) they look awesome and

I feel like having to eat shitty school lunches is a right or passage. Most of these photos look like the garbage I had to eat when I got free lunch in school twenty years ago. What I find really upsetting about most of the photos on this blog though is the incredible amount of waste these lunches must generate. Most

I hope her children turn out to be either genetically or biochemically predisposed to obesity and that she is able to grow as a person and become a well-balanced, tolerant adult who loves and supports her children for who they are and that in time this will grow into acceptance of people with all body types.

Why is it so hard for so many people from countries like the UK where tipping is not expected at restaurants to understand that if tips were not expected in the US and the employer paid a higher, more livable wage, the customer would still be footing the bill? If the employer pays more, then yes, you don't need to

You are not expected to tip 15-20% at a coffee shop, but you are expected to leave something. Furthermore, it is despicable to say that as a consumer, it is not your job to make sure service workers earn a living wage. Actually, it kind of is your job. The cost that you pay for goods reflects this. If they were being

Do you really think that $8 or $9 per hour is a livable wage? Your logic is flawed- let me tell you why. In my state, servers at restaurants make the exact same standard minimum wage as high school students wrangling shopping carts at their very first after school job. No one makes less than $9.23 per hour in

I've had the Mirena for just over two years, and I was on Depo before with no periods. I had a couple of weeks of light but consistent spotting after the insertion, but this pretty much faded away completely by the end of the first month. Since then I've had some random, light spotting on occasion, and a very light

Let's all try to remember that MINIMUM wage is very different from a LIVING wage. Just because a service worker is making minimum wage, does not mean that they do not need a tip. Tips are expected in the service industry in the US, and if you can't afford to leave one, than you can't afford that service.

It is absolutely unacceptable not to tip a barista. Yes, they might make minimum wage, but it's just that: minimum wage. Baristas are highly trained professionals who take care to hand make your drink just for you, exactly the way you like. They are on their feet for hours at a time, making repetitive, precise

The Mirena itself is pretty small, as it your uterus, and it fits in there pretty much as pictured. The box that the Mirena comes in, on the other hand, is gigantic. It looks like a carton of Virginia Slims. I had mine inserted at my local Planned Parenthood, and when the clinician walked in with the box, she must

quackenbush, really?