Bourbon Pundit

Congratulations, now we only have to remove a few dozen more points of view from the mainstream and will be left with the one true world view and none of those pesky alternative views that we disagree with. We’re getting there people.

Truly warms my heart to see all these clueless people rolling around like little piggies in the mudd. Celebrating censorship so they can live their lives in a an echo chamber only hearing viewpoints that they agree with or that have been approved by their puppet masters. All the while actually believing they are free

“ than i filled his oil filter with metal shavings"

Its the ‘give away the razor, charge for the razor blades’ business model.


Thats true!

Well somebody is having a difficult day. Hopefully berating an automotive journalist online for not knowing a bit of rather arcane trivia made you feel better. For longer lasting results, might I suggest Miata ownership? Truly (and I’m not being facetious at this point in my comment) it can be a stress reliever just

I’m forced to assume your Mom was in National Lampoon’s Vacation.

The hacking claim is so, so stupid. I mean, how fucking hard is it to just say “Look, it was ten years ago and in retrospect what I wrote was insensitive and wrong. I don’t hold these same views today. I unreservedly apologize.” I swear, it’s like these dipshits still can’t figure out how the fucking internet

No more Fusion, Focus, Fiesta...the root of the problem is that Ford is simply running out of Fs to give.

There were no good posts today. Nobody inspired a Comment of the Day. We are very disappointed in you. We spend all day reading what you write, and this is the one thing you’re supposed to do for us.

This is what happens when people put their complete trust with a machine. It’s not even sentient to boot.

Well. They’re both good at killing humans.

Dakotas, ranked:

Awesome opinion, bro.


Just once I want to see one of these fellows rocket that little biscuit right down the middle and blow everything up. Just once. Is that too much to ask?

On 395*, not the 395. We’re on the east coast.

He was part of the team. But now, he’s flying solo.