Bourbon Pundit

Give him a Hyundai

I am Josh McCown of the Clan McCown. There can be only one, Cutler. Prepare for The Quickening!

I have to admit that watching the game last night, for the first time I was tempted to jump on the bandwagon and say "let Cutler go and stick with McCown. He's probably got 2-3 more good years and they can draft a developmental QB." But I don't think that's the right course of action for several reasons.

'Nuff said.

Alliteration abounds!

Coulson: "I'm fine, except my iron levels are a little high. That doesn't mean you need start calling me Iron Man, though."

OK, this would be somewhat funny from a different character in a different universe, but Coulson is personal friends with Iron Man. Came off a little weird and sad when I thought about it...


I don't think that's a-hole driver of the year. I'm pretty sure that's just poor, unaware driving. Bad. Embarrassing. Tough to miss an oncoming school bus. But unintentional. It's easy to judge, but this is like the equivalent of not noticing someone in your blind spot and almost side swiping them when you go to

Well, to be fair, the idea of a decent looking Impala isn't so far fetched, it's just been a while...

It's such a strange thing to consider that someone had to invent an onomatopoeic phrase to substitute for actually chewing noises...but someone did, and I think it was Cookie Monster.

One of my earliest memories is of my teachers sitting us down in front of the TV set in first grade so we could watch the debut of this amazing new TV show called "Sesame Street." And amazed we were.

I always thought that SyFy was programmed by 12 monkeys sitting in a boardroom.

Is he really unknown if we know he's called Villian ?

Henchman: "Sir, we've released the images. They're splashed across every autoblog on the internet. They've even hit Jalopnik!"

"I love the sound of whining enthusiasts in the afternoon. They talk with their asses, not their wallets. You know, one time we had a whole bunch of them, for years. Then we had to run a company. When it was all over, I looked back. Didn't find one of 'em, not one stinking enthusiast. But that sound, you know, of all

What if the password is "password"? It should be tried. Just in case.

Is this one of those Magic Eye things?

Cash rules everything around me...

You saw that TV show too?? How awesome!!1!

Actually, I think they are mocking Geraldo Rivera's selfie (sorry in advance).